When talking about white teeth and teeth whitening treatments, there is often a lot of confusion. It is one thing to clean stained or yellowed teeth, another to whiten them.
Cleaning teeth, aided by a very abrasive toothpaste, can help remove stains and restore the natural colour of teeth. It must be emphasised, however, that this colour is not as white as milk. Having teeth whiter than their natural colour is not impossible and above all, thanks to the advances made by cosmetic dentistry, has no contraindications.
Contrary to what one might think, tooth colour does not come from the enamel, but from the dentine. Over the years, it was recognised that the best products for teeth whitening were those based on peroxides; these penetrate the enamel down to the dentine and oxidise the coloured substances, giving the teeth a shine.
Contact the dentist in the city centre of Rome and schedule your visit now.